Monday, March 14, 2011

A wonderful giveaway gift received

I participated in Terri's recent "100th post Giveaway".  This fabulousness is what she sent:

Would you believe I was one of the RUNNERS UP?????  Can you imagine what the big winner received???

I absolutely love everything Terri sent!  Since I've been remiss in posting, I've already had a chance to stitch up "Wrought By Me" by Ewe & Eye & Friends that was included in the package:

Wrought By Me
Ewe & Eye & Friends
36 ct Sand Edinburgh linen
HDF and NPI silks from stash, one over two
This was a super quick and enjoyable stitch.  I just love how it turned out.

That's it for today. 



Deb said...

Congrats on winning those great things. It looks like Christmas!! Great prize for being a runner up.

And I love your EEF piece. I don't remember seeing that design before, but it looks like such a fun stitch!

Margaret said...

Congrats on the prize! Wow! And I love your finish!

Carol said...

Wow! That is some runners-up prize, Diane... And your stitched piece is so cute :)

Happy birthday on Sunday--my oldest son's is the day after you. It is such a nice time of year to celebrate a birthday...

Lesleyanne said...

Congrats on your prize and your finish. Hope you have a lovely birthday on Sunday.

Catherine said...

What a great prize! And your finish is adorable!!

Jules said...

Wow! What a great giveaway win!!!

Your finish is cute!

Happy (early) Birthday!!!

Sally said...

Wow what a wonderful prize package! I'm not surprised you had to stitch up Wrought by Me. It is lovely and your finish is beautiful.

Happy Birthday for Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Well done on winning the giveaway!
Wrought by Me is lovely, well done.
Happy Birthday for Sunday!

Marsha said...

Very nice giveaway haul. And what a great stitch up you've completed. Can't wait to see your future stitching projects.

Bekca said...

What a great giveaway win! And your latest finish is just brilliant, I love the colours you've used. Happy belated Birthday, I hope you had a lovely time celebrating :)
Happy stitching!

Crystal Digitizing said...

nice quality embroidery digitizing service in us !!